Meet the Stables Market Team - An Interview

Stables Market recently announced their brand new concept coming to Libbie Mill - Midtown in early Summer 2021. The new market will be opening in a brand new space on the northwestern corner of the Penstock Quarter building, overlooking Libbie Lake Pier. We conducted a brief interview with owner Steven Gooch to introduce this new market style concept to residents and visitors.

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What inspired the idea for Stables Market?

“The COVID pandemic changed the restaurant industry almost overnight.  Suddenly dine in was gone or greatly reduced, take out became a larger or only outlet to reach customers, and yet all the fixed costs of kitchens and facilities, rent, utilities, core staff, still remained.  We needed to find an additional way to reach customers with the great food I knew Chef Evan was creating. “

Why are you excited to be at Libbie Mill - Midtown? What led you to choose it as the location for Stables Market?

“I know several people who live in Libbie Mill, and one thing I kept hearing was that a market was needed here.  I knew how successful several other restaurants had been implementing a grab and go market concept; and felt we could do it too. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to expand The Stables to a new market, while meeting a clear need for the neighborhood.  This is a growing, vibrant community, and it felt like something we should be a part of.” 

What sets Stables Market apart from other retail grocery stores? What products or services may customers expect to find at Stables?

“The Stables Market will be just that, a market.  We will be bringing restaurant quality food in a grab and go format, along with gourmet grocery items, produce, some staples, local products and crafts, and a few convenience items.  We will also highlight all the great craft beer brewed in the region and a great selection of wines.”

What type of experience may customers expect when they visit Stables? What is your message to folks that live, work or play at Libbie Mill?

“Being just an elevator ride a way for so many people, walking distance for others, we will provide the convenience of being able to grab a quick meal, a bottle of wine, desert, or just a bag of chips without having to get in your car.”

When do you plan to open the market?

“We are doing our best to be open in May.”